7 ft St. Croix medium weight fast action rod, 4000 series Shimano Sahara, 20 lb braid, 50 lb flouro leader 9 ft Reddington 8/9 weight fly rod with 8fwf line. I only fish artificial lures and here is what i have.... assorted color 1/4 oz& ...
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RARITÄT Shimano Selecta Freilaufkurbel und Singlespeed Kurbel 474 g Classic Bikes Basar.
It has low grade shimano components and is only a 7 speed. I can`t decide whether I want to sell this one and take a bit of a hit, or continue to upgrade the components and go to an 8 or maybe a 9 speed. Does anyone have& ...
Powell rod models , 733, 734, both with shimano cores, $ 600.00 takes all.... u pay shipping! ... powel rod& shimano cores. Moderators: Caudawg, Cooch, kopper_bass, Gator, Mike M, ash. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1& ...
7 ft St. Croix medium weight fast action rod, 4000 series Shimano Sahara, 20 lb braid, 50 lb flouro leader 9 ft Reddington 8/9 weight fly rod with 8fwf line. I only fish artificial lures and here is what i have.... assorted color 1/4 oz& ...
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